Subway Surfers surfs into Windows Phone Store
Apps, Games, Windows Phone, Windows Phone 8
The fall of 2013 hasn’t been bad for Windows Phone at all. The last thing nobody expected was the rushing in of major official apps from all platforms into the Windows Phone Store, just like that. While many debated on Windows Phone being a bad ecosystem as it has very “low” number of apps, the Windows Phone store proved them all wrong by unveiling those awesome apps everybody wanted. Instagram, Angry Birds Go! and many more apps were introduced within these few months and this just made the Windows Phone app ecosystem populated and fresh. But the streak didn’t just end there.
One of the latest additions to Windows Phone Store is the game everyone loves and everybody wants – Subway Surfers. People were going crazy to get this app onto their Windows Phones. But now, every Windows Phone user can rejoice as Kiloo Games just loaded the game onto Windows Phone ending the thirst of those hungry gamers out there. What’s more interesting is that the game is up to date with the Android and iOS versions and has the same Christmas treat that should double up the happiness of the waited gamers.
If you don’t know Subway Surfers *giggles*, think of it as a Temple Run mash up. Temple Run really did attract a lot of gamers out there with its crazy running algorithm. But its not just the gamers who got mad by this endless racer; other companies got very much inspired and mad after seeing the game and playing it. So, they used the same principles and made even cooler games which made Temple Run look old school. One of the first ones that appealed the gaming community was indeed Subway Surfers.
The aim of the game is simple and just the same as Temple Run. You run endlessly along rails and jumping and sliding down over obstacles on the way. You collect coins and special goodies that are worth a punch. You use them to buy or upgrade items and you run again and again. Its endless fun and you might won’t stop playing it. The new Christmas edition features the “London Tour” where the game environment is redesigned to give you Christmas cheers. There are some special challenges too that you might be interested to complete before Christmas spirit dies out of the game.
In short, Subway Surfers is a really fun and enjoyable game to spend your time with, or to waste it (for some). The game is totally free and you can get it from the Windows Phone Store by going here. Or, you can scan the QR code below to begin download.